Friday, October 31, 2008

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner Tied to ACORN!!!

Secretary of State Brunner has been fighting the verification of voter registrations and denying that vote fraud exists in Ohio. Turns out she shares a campaign advisor with ACORN, takes direction from ACORN's voter registration arm, and refuses to verify over 200,000 mismatched registrations while claiming there is no voter fraud going on in Ohio.

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L.A. Times Thanked by McCain For Courage

(FLORIDA) — John McCain today withdrew his demand that the Los Angeles Times release video footage taken in 2003 of then-state Sen. Barack Obama praising controversial Palestinian activist Rashid Khalidi, and he instead thanked the paper for its courage.

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Syrian 3rd Army to face Lebanon and Israel

The Syrian 3rd army, which is composed of two Border Guard brigades and two more of infantry and assault helicopters, began moving south Wednesday, Oct. 29, evacuating the 600 km stretch of Syrian-Iraqi border they manned for the past year under a US-Syrian agreement.

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Obama Promises Supreme Court That Will Destroy Second Amend.

Senator Barack Obama says he will respect gun owners, but campaign talk is cheap. What gun owners must know before they vote is that Obama promises to appoint a U.S. Supreme Court that will eradicate the Second Amendment from the Constitution.

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Sometimes an outside observer helps, esp. if they're Iraqi

FTA: "What is stunning [in the quote] is the ability to conceive of the Presidency as a foreign-policy position primarily - given how notably absent that is from our day-to-day discussions here, part of me wants to hand citizenship out like it was candy. We could use some voters that are yearning less for free-market or anarcho-socialist utopias.."

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Wink Wink

New Team Sarah Ad Highlights Obama’s Associations with Ayers, Khalidi, Wright: Response to Barack Obama'’s “Wink” Ad

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Barack Obama: A Chicago constituent speaks out

Beauty Turner lives in public housing in Chicago's South Side and here speaks out about Barack Obama's record as a state senator.

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Obama's Colleague Dedicated Book To RFK's Assassin

Barack Obama reviewed and praised his Colleague William Ayer's book, The Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court-published in 1997 by Beacon Press. To whom went Ayer's praise in his reviews and book dedications and where is the MSM?

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Confession of an Obama Blogger

Ok, I want to clear my conscious a little. ...

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

So what is it that the masses of Obamabots see in their golden candidate, what is it that evokes their unthinking, unwarranted passion for a candidate that fails to pass muster? Could it be that Obama’s silver tongued oratory has seduced them as the music of the Pied Piper seduced all the rats of Hamelin to follow him to their doom??!?!?

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama said Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine

Obama said , “Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine” plus there’s been “genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis.

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BUSTED!! Why Do Obama And ACORN FEAR Anita MonCrief ???

ACORN has been illegally operating as an arm of the Obama campaign, and despite Obama's lies his involvement has been far greater than his representation of ACORN in the motor voter case years ago. Anita is a former ACORN and Project Vote employee who quit, disgusted with the illegal collusion. She can prove the criminality reaches to the top.

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LA Times Supressed Tape: Obama Accuses Israel Of GENOCIDE!!

"Saw a clip from the tape. Reason we can't release it is because statements Obama said to rile audience up during toast. He congratulates Khalidi for his work saying "Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine" plus there's been "genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis." ...That's why they will not even let a transcript get out."

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Obama Victory: The Death Rattle of Liberty

Three news articles today gave food for thought on the possibility of an American degradation into Obammunism. Are there enough liberty-loving American voters left to oppose the Obamanation?

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LATimes Tries defending not releasing video of Obama

The campaign of Republican presidential nominee John McCain is demanding the Los Angeles Times release a video purportedly showing Barack Obama at an event in which he spoke of his friendship with a controversial Palestinian scholar, the newspaper reported on Tuesday.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Andrew Rice (D-OK) Refuses to Listen to Gold Star Mom

After having read and viewed Mr. Rice’s comments regarding our troops in Iraq and the job they have done there we asked that he not use our son on his campaign website. Legally I know there is no way I can prevent him from doing this. I had hoped he would respect my wishes though. I was mistaken. I have called 4 times and been assured his

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Conservatives on DIGG

For some time now, I have been thinking about why conservative DIGGs don't (extremely rare) hit the front page and how to change that. It is not like there are not enough of us on DIGG. Just take a look at this DIGG - 2394 Diggs - - Opinion: Obama's 95% Illusion. It is not like we haven't tried to organize. Just check out these DIGGs:

I even have them in my Favorites so others can easily find them. There have also been attempts at informing us where to get good material from. See these DIGG that are also favorites of mine:
Great stuff, but it is not getting the job done. I have even toyed with RSS feeds, merging of RSS feeds, DIGG's Firefox plug-in, Google gadgets, and many other things. All of them resulted failure. All of them with the same problem. The problem is that there are too many Conservative DIGGers DIGGing too many articles from too many sources. It is like we are using a rock salt shotgun against and army. On top of that, the really good DIGG articles get lost and once found, they are too old to get to the front page. As what has been said many times, anything older than 24 hours will never make the front page. What we need is something more like shooting fish in a barrel. I believe I have found exactly that. The site is called NEWFIGHT! This site is doing what we need. I do not know how it works, but this site gathers Conservatives DIGGs puts them in one of three lists (New Stories, Upcoming, Popular) by age. The only part of the recipe needed is to get Conservative DIGGers to use the lists to DIGG stories. Basically, if we concentrate our DIGGing power on the DIGGs listed here, Conservatives DIGGs will make the front page on a more regular basis.

There is a catch. This site does the same thing for the Liberal side of the DIGGsphere. However, with their numbers, they carpet bomb DIGG already and are successful so I don't think this would help them succeed any more.

A couple more things to note.
  • The site also lists top newfighting DIGGers. I have befriended all of them.
  • The site does load up slowly for me. This may be just my set up.
  • This site reduces the need to send Shouts. Supposedly, the fewer shouts a DIGG gets the easier it is to get to the front page.
  • Best of all, it is not a script built into your browser so you can't get banned for using a script.
We may not outnumber the Liberals on DIGG, but we sure can outsmart them.

Monday, October 20, 2008

New bogus voter registrations uncovered in Ohio

In Hamilton County, 17 people are registered to vote from riverfront addresses south of Mehring Way - places with street numbers that would put their homes somewhere in the Ohio River. Another 46 voters are registered at addresses that would put their homes in the middle of the Paul Brown Stadium parking lot

Thursday, October 16, 2008

AP: McCain Wins Final Debate

Maybe Americans will now realize having a Socialist for President is a BAD idea!

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Final debate: game changer?

Last evening at the debate party at Trocadero, I heard one comment over and over again after the conclusion of the event: Who was that man on stage with Barack Obama and where has he been the last few weeks? Earlier, I had written that John McCain had to assert himself, attack Obama’s positions, and let it fly. Last night he delivered...

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FACT CHECK: Obama's Presidential Debate Claims on Acorn

ACORN-Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now-is the group under investigation in many states for such shenanigans as registering "Mickey Mouse" as a legitimate voter. A presidential debate fact check regarding Obama and the organization.

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Joe-the-Plumber and Obama's ‘Spread the Wealth' Socialism

Joe-the-Plumber sure got much recognition during the final presidential debate on Wednesday evening. So, who is this guy?

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Interviewer Reminds Obama He's A Christian-Not A Muslim

"W-w-what I was suggesting, you are absolutely right that John McCain has not, uh, talked about my Muslim faith, and you're absolutely right that that has not come --"

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Ohio Plumber Blasts Obama-- Keep Your Socialism (Video)

It looks like Obama spewed his socialist lines to the wrong plumber...Barack Obama was confronted by a plumber in Ohio this past weekend who was concerned about Obama's proposed tax increases. The plumber asked Obama, "Why do want to raise my taxes?" Obama told the man, "I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody."

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Just married and determined to die

Article about a newly married woman in Gaza who has trained to be a suicide bomber.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Demetris Giannoulias was on the Board at the Crossroads Fund, a Chicago Based left wing organzation supported by Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Barack Obama, which made grants to such stellar organizations as ACORN and other affordable housing swindlers.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama Born In Kenya? His Grandmother Says Yes

Someone is lying. According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged ... that she was present in the delivery room ... in Kenya!

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"... if you were the last person on Earth."


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Obama's 95% Illusion

It depends on what the meaning of 'tax cut' is.

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Castro Plays Obama's Race Card &Expresses Fear of Rifle Lady

As the election nears, Castro has made his choice further known in a scathing attack against Caucasian Americans.

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Barack The Divider

Barack Obama has immersed himself in the idea of division based on race, class, ethnicity, etc. in and is using it to his advantage... while falsely claiming to be a unifier.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Holocaust Survivors Detail Their Love Story

The love story of two Holocaust survivors has inspired a children's book, 'Angel Girl.' And eventually, there are plans to turn it into a film, 'The Flower of the Fence.'

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Russia in fresh missile launches

Russia has test-fired another three intercontinental ballistic missiles, a day after claiming a distance record for a missile fired from a submarine.President Dmitri Medvedev, who watched two of the launches, said they proved Russia's missile defences were strong.

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Obama_Logo_Diversity.gif image

To Each according to His or Her or It's Hyphen

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Russian live missile fire air exercise near Alaska

Not since 1984, just before the fall of the Soviet Union, has Russia ventured to launch dozens of nuclear bombers for an exercise in which Tu-95 Bear bombers will fire live cruise missiles. Exercise Stability 2008 will take place Oct.-6-12 over sub-Arctic Russia uncomfortably close to the US state of Alaska, and Belarus.

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Haze gray and underway: The Second Amendment

The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.As John Steinbeck once said: 1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.

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My Way News - Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills b

Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans

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UN : Body of nations united against Israel!

The newly created UN Human Rights Commission, intended to be more balanced than its predecessor, shamelessly promotes medieval anti-Semitic blood libels and demonization of Israel at levels unprecedented even by UN standards.

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Acorn, The New Party, and Project Vote Share Same Address

But Obama's connections to any of these groups have no bearing on his connections to the otheres, right? Seems Obama's ties to ACORN are a bit harder to deny -- he was actually a member of ACORN's own f***ing political party.

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Confederate Yankee: The Ayers-Obama Media Primer

Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn are domestic terrorists.They not an "anti-war activists" nor "radicals." Activists and radicals organize protests and sit-ins and harass elected officials.A person that uses a bomb instead of a ballot is a terrorist. A person that leads a group of individuals that likes to use bombs instead of ballots is a Terr

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Surprise!!!! Panel says Palin Abused Her Power

If this is the best the democratic party can come up with then it is to laugh.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

I'll give you my kidney to see the Obamessiah

I will give you a KIDNEY for 2 OBAMA Tickets for tonights speech!Are you in need of an extra kidney? Know of someone who needs one? I have 2 good kidneys which is a little excessive. Ill give you one of them for two tickets to tonight's speech. I live in Denver and tried to get tickets the minute they were announced.

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The Encyclopedia of Obama

This site has a compilation of all the Obama allies and their interconnections over the past 40 years. If you want to know about Obama, this is the site.

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Palin's Wilmington Visit Last Night

Has anyone noticed the amount of young girls/women at these Palin events? Just listen to them. This has got to scare the Fems to death. Palin could win the House back in 2010 just by campaigning for Repubs throughout the country.

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Fannie Mae fatcat buys $4.9 million penthouse

Franklin Raines, the Clinton-era head of corrupted Fannie Mae, does not feel your pain. While Barack Obama rails about unfettered greed and callous Washington lobbyists, his friend and consultant made off like a bandit…and has just sold and bought multi-millionaire homes...

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Lecture:How Modern Liberals Think

Monday, March 5, 2007Featuring:Evan SayetWriter, Lecturer and PunditHosted by:Becky Norton DunlopVice President,External Relations,The Heritage Foundation

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ACORN's October Surprise: Rock the Pet Vote

It has already been exposed that this year A.C.O.R.N. has registered one man to vote 70 times and given new life to dead voters but, you won't believe ACORN's latest push... My cat, Puter, just forwarded this scary email she received from ACORN:

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Teflon Obama

While prepping for my show this morning, I started to make a list of the types of things that would have knocked any other candidate for office out of the running. I included associations of Barrack Obama’s, as well as gaffes and mistakes he’s made. I had to stop after 25 minutes because I just had to move on to prepping the rest of the show, but..

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Joe Biden, Preferred Candidate of Parasites

Barack Obama's number two is a favorite of parasitic trial lawyers whose business has benefited from Biden's voting... it is only natural that they should return the favor.

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Communist New Party Named Obama As A Member

Obama is identified as a member of the New Party. There are photos of Obama with other New Party members also.

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McCain hammers away at Obama's Ayers connection

John McCain yesterday ramped up his attempts to tar Barack Obama for his association with William Ayers, who along with his wife led a radical group that bombed government buildings in the early 1970s.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Whoops! Biden introduced as John McCain at rally [VIDEO]


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Ayers’ Invite - What Were South Carolina Educrats Thinking?

Bill Ayers, who led a leftist bombing and cop-killing outfit called the Weather Underground back in the 1970’s, a man who is an unrepentant terrorist, was invited to speak not once, but at least twice to groups of South Carolina school children.

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What, Who Drove Ex-IDF, Mossad Video Support of Obama

What and who motivated these retired Israeli Generals and senior Mossad operatives to be part of video when a simple google search by any one of them for the Jewish Council for Education & Research would have netted #1 Google placement to JCER’s site, an organization blatantly political and supportive of Barack Obama for American president?

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Hillary, Biden and Obama Himself Agree He's Unqualified

Burdened by the label of "unqualified" and "inexperienced," he has sought to surround himself with those who are considered qualified and experienced. He named Senator Joe Biden as his Vice President in his would-be administration. Yet what does Joe Biden's experience tell him about Barack Obama? Well he told us just a few months ago...

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Sex, Lies,Video Tape Starring Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

Barney Frank was in bed with Fannie Mae executive, literally. Check out video and text revealing the complicity of Obama and his party.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We Love Obama!

Cartoon of the Obama's number one fans.

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Hillary, Biden and Obama Himself Agree He's Unqualified

Burdened by the label of "unqualified" and "inexperienced," he has sought to surround himself with those who are considered qualified and experienced. He named Senator Joe Biden as his Vice President in his would-be administration. Yet what does Joe Biden's experience tell him about Barack Obama? Well he told us just a few months ago...

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Which one has the best economic plan?

In this special report, SBT examines the economic planks of both McCain and Obama. Our hope is to provide clarity to the facts of their agendas, without the noise of the television commercials or the bluster of the debates.One thing is certain. The winner of this election will inherit this mess.

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Finally: McCain on Fannie, Freddie, and Obama

The only question now: Did McCain wait too long?

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Nancy's swamp continues to overflow: Robert Wexler latest

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi! You really drained the swamp, what with Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, William Jefferson, Allan Mollohan, Harry Reid, Jack Murtha and now... Robert Wexler. Ben Barrack points us to fascinating report on Wexler's Web:

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I am Sarah Palin

Michelle Malkin, Wendy Sullivan, Freeman Hunt, Pamela Geller, and Skye in a Sarah Palin tribute video.

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Biden: Hezbollah was 'Kicked Out' of Lebanon

Joe Biden made whopper of a gaffe about Hezbollah and Lebanon.

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Head of NOW in LA endorses Sarah Palin

Here's what a woman with COURAGE looks and sounds like!

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A Bill Ayers Victim Speaks

I think anyone considering voting for Barack Obama should at least do themselves the courtesy of reading about the terror his friend spread in the 1960's. Yes, Obama was eight when Bill Ayers organization did these terrible deeds. But Barack was an adult when he decided to befriend him.

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Sunday Funnies- Cartoon Bailout

Take a break Get a Cuppa and Enjoy your Day...

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Obama in 2007: Sub-prime Mortgages a GOOD Idea

"After the Sub Prime Crisis already started in 2007 Obama says Sub Prime Mortgages that gave houses to people WHO COULDN'T AFFORD THEM was a GOOD IDEA!" - Tell me Obama. How is giving someone a house who can't pay for it a good idea? You really think this won't cause an issue with the lending bank? SERIOUSLY? Obama is SO GREAT for the economy, NOT.

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A Special Message from Barack Obama's Teleprompter

Another classic from IowaHawk.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

That Wooden Stock and Blued Steel

"Mr. Obama, ... From my cold dead hands!"

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Obama and ’60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths

Records of a school reform project suggest Barack Obama has played down contact with Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weathermen, but they do not seem to have been close.

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Analyzing the Election? Beware "Bush Eats Babies" Syndrome

Jay Cost of RCP gives good election analysis, but in saying McCain has to run an infinite distance from Bush, he misses a deep problem: there's only so far you can run. Run too far and you won't be an effective President even if you get the job.

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Biden Mentioned Katie's Restaurant - Try to Find It

Sliwa had a lot of fun calling Home Depot locations in the Wilmington area and asking whether or not they’ve seen Biden (they haven’t), but the fact that Katie’s has been closed for 15 years and Biden didn’t know it shows that Biden has no clue about “his neighborhood” or what people go through there.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Analyzing the Election? Beware "Bush Eats Babies" Syndrome

Jay Cost of RCP gives good election analysis, but in saying McCain has to run an infinite distance from Bush, he misses a deep problem: there's only so far you can run. Run too far and you won't be an effective President even if you get the job.

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Deployed Troops: ATTENTION ON DECK!!! - Vox

Nearly 1,000,000 military and overseas absentee ballots were requested for the 2006 election, but only one-third of them were actually counted. That means that more than 660,000 interested military voters were ultimately not able to have their voices heard. This is unacceptable.We must protect the rights of our soldiers—and their families vote

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Biden's Big Whoppers

The laundry list of lies-in-discovery are piling up from Sen. Joe Biden's V.P. debate performance against Gov. Sarah Palin on Thursday.

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Biden Vs. Bush Debate? "Say It Ain't So Joe!"

Governor Sarah Palin may have started out nervous in Thursday's Vice Presidential debate but when it became apparent that Sen. Joe Biden preferred to spend the evening debating President George W. Bush, things quickly turned around.

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Obama Fishes for Scripted Rape Victim-What's Next?!

Obama obviously know no bounds when it comes to the exploitation of and the discrimination against gender and race. The Obama Camp appears to have aimed its cross hairs against those who are already the most violated of all females.

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Obama Camp Attempts To Exploit Rape Vic for Political Gain

Once again the Obama Camp is showing that it will stop at NOTHING to achieve victory. During the Democratic Primary it railroaded Hillary Clinton with sexist attacks. It appears it now attempting to find a rape victim to star in a scripted commercial for the campaign.

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'Fight the Smears' Website Admits Obama was Kenyan Citizen

Obama's Fight the Smears website has made a bombshell admission...Barack Obama was once a citizen of Kenya. You read that right, Obama had Kenyan citizenship until 1982. Where's the MSM?

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VP Debate Moderator In The Tank for Obama

Gwen Ifill, of PBS' "The NewsHour," will be moderating the VP debate on Thursday. She also has the possibility of amassing millions-if Obama is elected POTUS-via her pro-Obama book to be released on election day regarding "President Obama."

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


TOMORROW, PBS anchor Gwen Ifill will serve as moderator for the first and only vice-presidential debate. But there is nothing "moderate" about where Ifill stands on Barack Obama. She's so far in the tank for the Democratic presidential candidate, her oxygen delivery line is running out.

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Why I would like to support Barack Obama

I would love to be unencumbered by thought, morality, and a desire for liberty... all of which would be required in order to support Obammunism.

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